Success story
Thomas Sucherland is a gatekeeper at our Raumland plant.
Thomas Sucherlan
„I came to REGUPOL thirty years ago as a chemical worker. In 2001 I had a serious accident at work and I’ve been severely disabled since, but there was never any question of whether I’d still be able to work at REGUPOL after my recovery. The question was just where. When the gate was rebuilt, I had my new workplace. I’m also a representative for severely disabled people, which involves helping to integrate them, representing their interests, and being there to give help and advice. I’m a died-in-the-wool Wittgenstein boy, and REGUPOL was always known for its social responsibility. That’s what brought me here 30 years ago and I’ve not regretted it a single day.”

Thomas Sucherlan
Raumland Plant Gatekeeper
30 Years with REGUPOL